Hormone Balance $58.95Add to Cart
Activated B Complete $14.95Add to Cart
Magnesium Restore $18.95Add to Cart

“That Time of the Month” Can Be Your BEST
Support your body with these key nutrients so PMS and period pain can be a thing of the past
PMS and painful periods are signals that your body is sending you that SOMETHING NEEDS TO CHANGE. Take action by supporting your hormones so you can feel balanced and energized all month long!
The Easy, Natural Solution for Smoother Periods and Less PMS
The Period and PMS kit will help you:
- Reduce the mood swings, pain, and uncertainty that drives you crazy during the week leading up to your period
- Balance out your hormones so painful breasts, cramping, and utter exhaustion don’t become your “normal”
- Alleviate period pain, heavy flow, and extended bleeding that make you dread that time of the month
- Get better rest and have more energy so you feel refreshed and revitalized, even during the days that used to be your worst
Product Highlights: What’s in the Period and PMS Kit?
Hormone Balance
Managing your period and PMS symptoms starts with a perfect balance between estrogen and progesterone. This can be complicated, but Hormone Balance is perfectly designed to make it SIMPLE for you!
Formulated with key herbal support for hormone production and detoxification, Hormone Balance is the perfect women’s health support supplement to keep your hormones functioning effortlessly every month.
DIM Complete
For most women, severe PMS and painful periods are a result of estrogen dominance. This happens when your body doesn’t clear estrogen appropriately, leading to a whole host of potential symptoms and discomforts. DIM is a powerful tool to aid in estrogen detoxification so your body can recover and reset like it’s supposed to each month!
Magnesium Restore
Magnesium is truly a woman’s best friend. From sleep support to energy production to hormone health, Magnesium Restore is the jack-of-all-trades supplement that EVERY woman needs in her life! The Magnesium Restore in this kit is designed to help restore your sleep quality, energy, blood sugar stability, hormone production, and so much more.
Key Strategies for Loving Your Body During Your Period
Understanding your cycle is the first step of mastering it. As a woman, your body naturally follows an ebb and flow every month, but our society tries to iron out these changes. We are expected to have the same level of productivity, energy, and power on day 12 as we are on day 27—but we are different women on those days biologically and hormonally.
During the late luteal phase and your period, it’s important to focus on nourishment. These may not be the days to push yourself into hard workouts or important decisions. These are the times to give yourself grace and space to rest, recover, and reset.
This cycle isn’t something to fight against. As women, if we embrace this beautiful rhythm, we’ll be set up for greater health, productivity, and vitality in ALL of our stages.
During the week leading up to your period and your bleed week, it’s critical that your body has the support it needs nutritionally, as well as in your mindset and supplementation routines. Using the supplements in this kit will be an easy step towards less disruption in your daily rhythms and MORE health and energy!
How to Use the Period and PMS Kit for Best Results
Use each of the supplements in the Period and PMS Kit every day of the month for best results.
Hormone Balance: The dosage is 4 capsules per day, so I recommend taking 2 in the morning and 2 at either lunch or dinner. Note: Do not take Hormone Balance if you are pregnant or nursing. It is safe for all ages of women to take, but it is especially beneficial for those over 35.
DIM Complete: Take 1 capsule per day with food, ideally your first meal of the day.
Magnesium Restore: I recommend taking 2 capsules about 30 minutes before you go to bed. This is a great way to support restful sleep and restoration every night.

I’ve been right where you are…
My hormones were threatening to derail my health, my family and my career, and I was desperate for a natural solution. Through each healing transformation I’ve experienced in my life, supplements have been an essential part of my protocols. Nutrition, self-care, and supplements have always gone hand-in-hand in my approach to healing your hormones and body.
And now? I’ve sourced the perfect supplements for your hormones and put them in one place so you can get your hormones and body on track as well.
Supplements have a special power that you can’t get from other healing strategies. With concentrated, bioavailable nutrients, vitamins, minerals, and adaptogenic herbs, supplements offer a unique benefit to your body in a simple, convenient package.
Unfortunately, in my research of other supplements and brands, so much of what I found was people cutting corners and not offering the best products possible. That’s why I decided to launch my own line of Essentially Whole supplements. I’ve worked closely with my manufacturer to be confident you are getting the best possible supplements of the highest quality to make the biggest impact on your health.
Whether your hormonal challenges have to do with stress, weight, metabolic or reproductive hormones, the supplements you’ll find in the Essentially Whole store were designed to work with your body’s natural processes, enhancing them for optimal performance.
Here are a few things that make Essentially Whole Supplements special:
Effective, Natural, Science-Based Solutions for Your Health
In a world filled with products touting health benefits, it can be hard to distinguish what is real and what is not. That’s why I wanted to provide you with supplements that you can be confident using to fuel your and your family’s bodies. Each product I offer is created with only the highest quality ingredients in forms that are easily put to use by your body. Every ingredient has been tested for effectiveness and bioavailability to ensure that you are only getting the best of the best!
3-Stage Testing that EXCEEDS Industry Standards
When I decided to embark on this journey of supplying you with the BEST supplements possible, I knew I needed to partner with a manufacturer that shared my beliefs in going above and beyond to ensure quality. You can be confident that your product has been tested…
1. Before production (to make sure the raw materials are of the highest quality)
2. During manufacturing (to make sure the product is not compromised in any way)
3. After packaging (to make sure what gets into your hands is pure and free of any contamination)
This goes above and beyond the industry standards, but I wouldn’t have it any other way!
Powerful Community
When you buy grocery store supplements, you pick up your bottle, hope it is what it says it is, and go on with your life. When you partner with me through purchasing Essentially Whole supplements, you aren’t left to fend for yourself. I am committed to continuing to provide you with resources and solutions to help you achieve your health goals!
What It All Comes Down To…
These products WORK. I use them myself each and every day, and I share them with my friends, family, and -- most importantly -- with YOU. I don’t want you compromising your health with second-rate supplements. That’s why I have decided to put the power back in your hands with Essentially Whole products. You can be confident you are only getting the best of the best to enable you to heal your body naturally!
NOTICE: All shipping within the US is FREE during the birthday sale only: August 31-Sept. 6th! **Make sure to choose this option at checkout.***- * Shipping within the lower 48 states is free for all orders over $97 (after discounts are applied). Orders less than $97 will include a flat shipping rate of $9.95.
- Shipping to Hawaii or Alaska is free for all orders over $127 (after discounts are applied). Orders less than $127 will include a flat shipping rate of $14.95.